Clinton County Workforce Collaborative Launches Employee Survey

7 Mar 2022
The Clinton County Workforce Collaborative has launched a survey for employees, and those seeking employment, in Clinton County. The Clinton County Port Authority, OhioMeansJobs Clinton County, the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center, the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce, local educators, and local employers formed the new partnership to take action together to get people back to work.
As anyone who has seen “Now Hiring” signs knows, there are many jobs available in the community. Employers in all corners of the county are searching for employees. “We understand there are many challenges facing the post-pandemic workforce, and that those challenges are leading to unfilled jobs,” said Dessie Rogers, Executive Director of the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.
“Gathering this kind of data from employees in our area is vitally important as we move forward with looking at programs that can address the barriers to work in Clinton County,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director of the Clinton County Port Authority. “We know that transportation, childcare, and housing are all lacking for employees, but we are trying to determine to what extent, and what would be most helpful in mobilizing our existing workforce.”
“When parents and caregivers are gainfully employed and earning a good income, they are better able to support their students,” said Curt Bradshaw, School Improvement Consultant with the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center. “A stronger workforce leads to stronger families and stronger schools – that’s why we are involved in this Collaborative and this initiative.”
“We want to help residents get employed in rewarding jobs, and help businesses get the employees they need,” said Tammy Keller, Job Developer with OhioMeansJobs Clinton County, “and what we learn from this survey will help us do that.”
The survey, which includes sections on skills training, childcare, housing, and transportation, as well as basic demographic information, is available online. The survey will remain open through Thursday, March 31. The information gathered in the survey will be used for general analytical purposes only and will be kept anonymous and confidential. Individual responses will not be shared with any third party whatsoever. As an incentive for participation, survey respondents who submit their contact information will be entered to win one of four $50 Kroger gift cards.
For questions or more information, contact any of the Workforce Collaborative Steering Committee members: Curt Bradshaw with the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center; Ruth Brindle with the Clinton County Port Authority; Beth Justice with the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center; Tammy Keller with OhioMeansJobs Clinton County; Jennifer Klus with the Clinton County Port Authority; and Dessie Rogers with the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.
About the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative
The Clinton County Workforce Collaborative was created to cooperatively tackle the critical and multi-faceted issues surrounding Clinton Count’s workforce needs by bringing together a combination of business, education, non-profit, government, and economic/community development partners throughout Clinton County. The Collaborative is open to anyone from the business, non-profit, education, and community/economic development sectors who would like to become more involved in collaborative solutions to the workforce challenges within Clinton County. Learn more about the Workforce Collaborative at
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