Ruth Brindle
Department: Staff
Ruth Brindle joined the Port Authority in the spring of 2020. She has a background in nonprofit leadership and project management. Through her work as Executive Co-Director of Main Street Wilmington, Communications & Marketing Director of the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce, and Director of the Quaker Heritage Center of Wilmington College, she developed numerous community connections that benefit the Port Authority’s Workforce Development efforts. The Port Authority is a vital contributor to the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative, where she serves on the Steering Committee and the leadership team for the Barriers to Work group. She is also the Chair of the Clinton County Business Advisory Council.
She is Vice Chair of the Clinton County Regional Planning Commission Board, Chair of Economic Development Committee of the Main Street Wilmington Board, a member of the City of Wilmington Records Commission, and was a 2023 recipient of the Bob Ady Scholarship from the Mid-America Economic Development Council.